Dubai: The Future Global Hotspot for AI Technology and Innovation

Pioneering AI Strategy and Governance Dubai has established a comprehensive AI strategy and governance framework to drive the adoption and development of AI across various sectors. The UAE AI Strategy, launched in 2017, aims to position the country as a global leader in AI by 2031, with a focus on enhancing government services, fostering innovation, …

F.A.G. International’s decision to set up operations in Dubai

The Strategic Move to Dubai F.A.G. International’s decision to set up operations in Dubai is a testament to the city’s business-friendly environment and its commitment to fostering technological advancements. By establishing a presence in the heart of the Middle East, the company aims to tap into the region’s vast potential and leverage Dubai’s position as …

Dubai an attractive destination for businesses and investors

Economic Advantages Technology and Innovation Healthcare Finance and Commodity Trading Society and BRICS Economic Ties Cosmopolitan Society: Dubai is a multicultural and cosmopolitan city, attracting a diverse population from around the world, fostering a vibrant and inclusive society. Dubai’s combination of economic advantages, technological advancements, healthcare facilities, financial services, commodity trading, and a cosmopolitan society, …