Howto use Multi Level Affiliate in your Dashboard

From the user (affiliate) side, the Multi-Level Affiliate (MLA) feature offers an exciting opportunity to expand your earning potential. Here’s how you can use this feature:

  1. Access Your MLA Dashboard:
    Log into your affiliate account and navigate to the Multi-Level Affiliate Dashboard. This is typically accessible through a dedicated tab or page in your affiliate portal.
  2. Understand Your Network:
    On your MLA Dashboard, you’ll see a visual representation of your affiliate network. This may include:
    • A tree diagram showing your sub-affiliates
    • A list of all sub-affiliates’ coupons
    • Performance metrics for your network
  3. Invite New Sub-Affiliates:
    • You have two main methods to grow your network:
      • a. Email Invitations:
        • Use the email invitation tool to send personalized invites to potential sub-affiliates.
        • Enter their email address and send a pre-formatted or customized invitation.
    • b. Referral Link:
      • Share your unique referral link with potential sub-affiliates.
      • This link automatically assigns new sign-ups to your network.
  4. Track Sub-Affiliate Performance:
    • A tree diagram showing your sub-affiliates
    • A list of all sub-affiliates’ coupons
    • Performance metrics for your network
  5. Earn Multi-Level Commissions:
    You’ll earn commissions not only from your direct sales but also from the sales generated by your sub-affiliates. The exact percentage depends on the tier structure set by the program.
  6. Manage Payouts:
    View and manage the commissions earned from your sub-affiliates’ referrals. You may be able to request payouts directly from your MLA Dashboard.
  7. Support Your Network:
    As a parent affiliate, you can guide and motivate your sub-affiliates to improve their performance, which in turn benefits you.
  8. Stay Updated:
    Regularly check your MLA Dashboard for new features, updates to the commission structure, or changes in your network’s performance.

By actively using the Multi-Level Affiliate feature, you can significantly expand your reach and earning potential. It allows you to build a network of affiliates working under you, creating a powerful multiplier effect on your affiliate marketing efforts.

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