Exploring the Best Blockchain Forensics Tools

The rise of cryptocurrencies has brought both innovation and challenges to the financial landscape. One of the significant challenges is the need for effective tools to investigate and analyze blockchain transactions, especially in the wake of incidents like the Mt. Gox hack in 2014. Blockchain forensics tools have become indispensable for tracing illicit activities, ensuring …

Cyber Polygon 2020 & CrowdStrike in 2024

Cyber Polygon 2020 Cyber Polygon 2020 was an initiative organized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its partners, including BI.ZONE and Sberbank. The event aimed to enhance global cyber resilience by bringing together experts from various sectors to simulate and discuss responses to cyber threats. The event had two main components: Technical Training Exercise …

Web 4.x: The Next Evolution of the Internet

Core Principles of Web 4.x Web 4.x is built upon several fundamental principles that set it apart from its predecessors: Decentralization: At the heart of Web 4.x is the concept of decentralization. Unlike the current web infrastructure, which relies heavily on centralized servers and data centers, Web 4.x aims to distribute data and processing across …