INTEC Synthesis-Gas System (SG Series): A Technical Overview with F.A.G. International Partnership

The INTEC Synthesis-Gas System (SG Series) represents a cutting-edge, modular solution for transforming organic waste into electrical energy. Utilizing advanced gasification technology, it ensures clean energy production with no harmful emissions. Now, with the support of a strategic joint venture partnership with F.A.G. International, the system’s advantages have become even more pronounced, expanding its global reach and further optimizing its operational capabilities.

Core Technology

The INTEC Thermolytic Cracking Process (TCP®) is the backbone of the system, designed to convert a wide range of organic waste into high-quality synthesis gas. This process is entirely distinct from traditional waste-to-energy methods, such as incineration or pyrolysis. By processing waste at high temperatures without oxygen or combustion, INTEC’s system produces synthesis gas and coke while remaining 100% emission-free.

Unique Advantages Over Traditional Waste-to-Energy Systems

Compared to conventional incineration-based systems, the INTEC SG Series stands out for its:

  • Emission-Free Operation: No flue gases, dioxins, or furans are produced during the process. Traditional systems often emit harmful pollutants that require additional filtration technologies.
  • No Combustion: INTEC’s system relies on gasification without any contact with fire or flame, resulting in cleaner and more efficient energy production.
  • High Conversion Efficiency: The INTEC system converts over 99% of carbon into useful synthesis gas and coke, far exceeding the conversion rates of traditional waste-to-energy plants, which often leave significant unutilized waste.
  • No Ash or TAR: Unlike pyrolysis systems, which leave residues such as ash and tar, the INTEC system produces clean by-products without environmental contaminants.

Strategic Partnership with F.A.G. International

The collaboration between INTEC Energies and F.A.G. International brings enhanced capabilities and market reach to the SG Series. F.A.G. International, a global leader in energy consulting, supports INTEC by providing strategic planning, project financing, and infrastructure development for large-scale waste-to-energy plants.

Together, F.A.G. International and INTEC offer a comprehensive package for waste-to-energy projects, from design to execution. This joint venture leverages INTEC’s advanced synthesis-gas technology and F.A.G. International’s global expertise in project development and financing. By aligning both companies’ strengths, they are positioned to deliver efficient, scalable, and profitable waste-to-energy solutions worldwide.

Key benefits of this partnership include:

  • Increased Project Financing Options: F.A.G. International offers two financing models to customers, allowing for flexible funding solutions tailored to the size and scope of waste-to-energy projects.
  • Comprehensive Support: From the collection and separation of waste materials to the sale of recyclable by-products, the partnership provides an end-to-end solution for integrating waste management and energy production.
  • Global Reach and Local Expertise: F.A.G. International brings its extensive experience working with local contractors, ensuring that the construction and infrastructure aspects of projects are handled efficiently while leveraging local expertise.

Gasification Process

The INTEC SG Series follows a multi-stage gasification process, maximizing energy output from various types of waste:

  • Main Reactor: The waste is heated in the absence of oxygen, at temperatures between 350°C and 930°C, ensuring a clean conversion of waste into gas and coke.
  • Secondary and Crack Reactors: These reactors further refine the synthesis gas, ensuring high calorific value and purity. The gas is filtered to remove any remaining particles, resulting in clean, high-energy gas ready for power generation.

The output is a highly calorific synthesis gas (~22,000 kJ/m³) suitable for powering gas engines and turbines, along with high-grade coke.

Ecological and Economic Benefits

The INTEC SG Series excels in both environmental responsibility and economic efficiency:

  • Zero Emissions: The process produces no harmful by-products, making it one of the cleanest waste-to-energy technologies available.
  • Cost-Effective Energy Production: The system generates 1.2 to 1.8 MW of electricity per tonne of waste, providing a highly profitable solution with low operational costs.
  • Scalable, Modular Design: The system is designed to handle a wide range of waste inputs, including household, hospital, industrial, and bio-waste, with the flexibility to scale operations based on the waste volume available.

Partnership Highlights

The joint venture between INTEC Energies and F.A.G. International ensures that waste-to-energy plants utilizing the INTEC SG Series are:

  • Efficient and Sustainable: The system’s ability to produce power without emissions sets it apart from competing waste-to-energy technologies.
  • Financially Supported: Through F.A.G. International’s financing models, projects are backed with robust financial solutions, ensuring timely and successful project completion.
  • Globally Competitive: This partnership delivers a powerful combination of German engineering and international market access, driving innovation in sustainable energy solutions across the world.


With INTEC’s pioneering gasification technology and the strategic partnership with F.A.G. International, the INTEC SG Series offers a transformative solution for waste-to-energy production. It is an emission-free, highly efficient, and financially viable technology that outperforms traditional systems in every regard. This collaboration paves the way for future-focused, large-scale, and sustainable energy solutions that will positively impact both the environment and the global energy market.

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